Friday, March 30, 2007

The Great K-Fed Swindle

So... back in the day, Britney used to be hot. Everyone loved her. Her songs went to Number 1 and her CD's sold millions. Despite the occasional stumble (Crossroads anyone?) she was always able to pick herself up and move along. Then Kevin Federline came along. No one could understand what the hell Brit was thinking. He slid in out of nowhere (I would be completely amazed if anyone out there had ever heard of him before he started dating Britney Spears) and hooked himself up with one of the most popular and wealthy stars around. His future was looking bright. He used up tons of her money to attempt to become a recording artist, and another immense amount partying with his friends in Vegas. All the while, he was fooling around with one of the hottest people in showbiz. Of course, we have all been witness to the decline in Britney's status (all the way down to what some may refer to as "fugly"). But that only made Kevin party more and spend more of her money. Now, after he got her knocked up twice and has basically sent her to the nuthouse, he's out. Kevin Federline and Britney Spears finally had their divorce finalized. Kevin gets $1 million and only partial custody of the kids (who will live with Brit). He's out and he's rich. Sure, some may say that $1 million doesn't get you that far in today's economy. But this guy got to screw around with the girl everyone wanted, and when she got all nasty, used and bald, he got $1 million to leave. It's almost as if he planned it this way all along. Got to hand it to the boy; if it was planned, he's smarter than any of us gave him credit for.

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