Tuesday, April 10, 2007


I've never been one to love lawsuits. Overall, I find people who sue to be annoying do-nothings who are looking for a quick buck (there are a few exceptions - like the poor family who were undergoing fertility treatments and mom was inseminated with the wrong man's sperm). I just read in the Daily News that this woman is being allowed to sue the New York City Department of Education because she got hit in the eye by another child while they were in kindergarten twenty-three years ago.
"He used to pick on me," Bowles, now 29, told the Daily News. "I learned to forgive, but I'll never forget what he did to me."

The reason why they're going to let her go through with the case is because it was originally filed back in 1985. I just think this is going to open the door for a whole slew of crazy cases. At least she's not suing the man who threw something in her eye all those years ago. Sure, they say he's not remorseful even now, but to make it okay to sue you for something you did when you were 5 would just be insane.
This case revolves around the claim that the Department of Education knew that this boy had "issues" and should have been removed from class to protect the other children, and now the woman has suffered continued and prolonged damage because of the incident. If they win, this is going to cause havoc in the education system. Every child who displays any kind of aggression or laughs the wrong way will be removed from class. Either they'll get lumped into a class for the "mentally distressed" and receive a crappy education, or they'll have to stay at home and get home-schooled (and although I know there are parents out there who are more than qualified to perform home-schooling, the majority of this country is not).
If you want to read the article, go here.

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