Monday, February 19, 2007

Did I Say Free?

The other day we were in CVS getting a couple of things. When I was checking out, the lady at the register asked me if I wanted to try the new CVS hand sanitizer. Our conversation went something like this:

Register Lady: "Would you like to try our new CVS Hand Sanitizer? It's free."
Me: "Free? Sure I'll try it."
Register Lady: "Great. That'll be $1.79."
Me: "What? I thought you said it was free?"
Register Lady: "I did. But it's $1.79."
Me: "Well, forget it then. Why did you tell me it was free?"
Register Lady: "I don't know. It's not. It's $1.79."

So... what the hell is up with that? Damn lying CVS check out ladies...

1 comment:

zorknapp said...

You know, that actually made me laugh out loud. Try it for free, then get sucked in for $2. Komedy!