Friday, July 07, 2006

Riding The 6

Today I took a trip downtown to take a look at some things in lower Manhattan. It's a gorgeous day and I thought I would get out and enjoy it. I took the 6 Train downtown to start my journey. Unfortunately, on the same car as me - actually standing next to me - was this dude eating a container of soup from The Soup Man. Now, I've never eaten a single thing from this place, and everyone seems to love their soup, but I've got to tell you it smelled like crap. Actually, it smelled like the wet Alpo dog food we used to give to our dog when I was a kid. I think I and everyone else around this guy wanted to vomit. No offense to the Soup Man people - I loved that episode of Seinfeld, and again - I've never eaten there and cannot comment on how good the food is - but it smelled horrible.
Then, after that guy finally got off the train and it emptied out a bit, some other dude decided it was time for a workout. He kept using the handlebar on the subway car to do his chin-ups. Normally, I wouldn't care so much, but after each rep, he felt the need to clap his hands and cheer himself on. Then he would look around the car, seeing how many people were impressed with his ability. Unfortunately, that number was probably zero. However, how many people were impressed with his stupidity? I can tell you that number was at least one.

NP: Fire, Jimi Hendrix

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