Sunday, December 03, 2006

Movie Roundup (Typical Blog Title)

This weekend, we did what we seem to do all the time now, rent some movies. It was finally cold here in NYC, and we didn't want to bring the baby outside in all that. So, we picked up a couple of films. Over the past couple of days, we saw You, Me and Dupree, Scoop and Clerks II.
You, Me and Dupree
is totally formulaic, but I enjoyed it. I still find Owen Wilson funny - I haven't gotten tired of his schtick yet. And Kate Hudson is nice to look at. All in all, a funny movie - especially towards the end. I think this one's great if it's on cable for free.
Scoop was a movie I really didn't expect to like. I think with Woody Allen flicks you can go either way - really funny, or a total piece of crap. I liked this one. I actually had a good time watching it, and I can't really remember thinking that about a movie in a while. The conversations are pretty funny, and the actors deliver them pretty well, with a little tongue-in-cheek. It's very easy to guess where the story is going, but I didn't seem to mind that.
I can't believe it's been over 10 years since the first Clerks came out. Getting old... Anyway, I wasn't really that excited to see this movie when it came out. Kevin Smith films have been on a steady decline over the years. However, I feel like he got some wind back in his sails with this one. It's totally crazy and gross, but that's what is so great about it. I laughed a lot with this one. And adding Rosario Dawson to the mix was a nice choice.
I would recommend all of these. They're all comedies, but all very different. Just make sure you're seeing the type of movie you want to.

NP: A Passage To Bankok, Rush

1 comment:

zorknapp said...

I don't quite not "get" Owen Wilson, but he's not someone who I rush out to see. I think it'll be a rental, if I/we end up seeing it at all.

I think what worked about Clerks II, is that besides the dance number, it really didn't try that hard to be clever and "movie-ish." I thought Jay and Silent Bob went a bit overboard with the doofyness, without the "heart." I'll always enjoy Clerks II, mainly because I think (as I said on my blog when I saw the movie originally) that Smith can nail guy relationships on film pretty well.