Thursday, May 18, 2006

Waiting for Wal-Mart

So after my wife and I decided to stay in our apartment for another year, we figured it was about time we got some furniture for our roof deck. Of course, we knew how expensive this stuff is, which is the main reason we haven't gotten any up to this point. We did a lot of searching and finally decided the best (cheapest) way to do this was to order a set from Wal-Mart. This goes against many of my own principles. The most important was buying anything at all from Wal-Mart (because they are slowly leeching all things good from this country). Assuming I don't end up on the wrong side of heaven after my purchase, I am looking forward to getting this stuff. The bad part - I've been sitting around all day today on my day off waiting for the delivery. The delivery company could only give me a delivery time "estimate" of 8:00am - 6:00pm. Great, huh?
So here I sit... waiting for Wal-Mart. I did enjoy a nice lunch of Annie's mac and cheese though. And the Yankees game starts in a few minutes. At least there's that.

NP: Dodgeball (the movie)

1 comment:

zorknapp said...

So, did they ever come?

I empathize with your thoughts on Wal-Mart. Sometimes, I have to go to one up here, because, well, I live in New Hampshire.

I feel like I die a little bit inside each time I walk through their doors.