Monday, July 30, 2007

If Only Mr. Peabody Was Still Around

While I was away in Salem, MA, my wife and I thought we would look around the Peabody Essex Museum. We like to explore art museums while we are on vacations, and had some time to kill before the wedding we were going to. Unfortunately, the museum had other plans.
We were traveling with our 9 month old son, and naturally, we had a diaper bag with us. Somehow, the museum has decided that diaper bags should be outlawed. They would not let us bring the bag in with us. We explained its purpose to the guards (and showed them that all it contained was some diapers, wipes, diaper cream, some toys and a change of clothes for our son) but they were unimpressed. They said it was museum policy that no bags could be brought inside, and that included diaper bags.
What was really amazing was how they were all shocked when we decided not to go in. Somehow, everything got turned around and we were the unreasonable ones who were acting all crazy by not wanting to pay the $13.00 each to get into this museum and not be able to bring our baby's diaper bag in.

So, during my trip to Salem, I learned that the Peabody Essex Museum sucks and they are unfriendly to children and families. Spread the word.

NP: Available Light, Rush

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