Sunday, January 14, 2007


So, when I was younger I was a huge comic book fan. I collected a ton of them (mostly X-Men titles). This was like 20 years ago (actually more, if you count when I started collecting them). Anyway, I stopped buying them when I went away to college. It was more because I didn't know where to get them at first, and then I had better things to spend my money on when I found a comic-book shop. Nowadays, I might check out a graphic novel here or there, or I may look at a web-page if I'm bored and want to see what's up. For the most part, I am lost. There are 35 different "X-Comics" out there, and I don't know how many are in alternate realities or not. I haven't bought an actual comic book in over 15 years, but today I found one that made me want to go and get one. Marvel Zombies.
I hadn't heard of this before. It sounds like the basic concept is an alien virus comes to Earth, infecting all of the super-heroes in Marvel-Comic-Land. This virus turns them into brain-eating zombies! Nice! They all go out and try and eat as many brains as possible. This is one I think I have to check out. I think it's in graphic novel format now, so maybe I'll go down to Borders when I have a 20% off coupon and pick it up.
Oh, and now they're planning a Marvel Zombies and Evil Dead crossover. Nice.

NP: King Without A Crown, Matisyahu

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