Sunday, April 20, 2008

Cell Phone Miracle

Okay. So, I've been pretty non-existent on this thing for a couple of months now. It's not that I haven't had things to post. I just haven't had any time to post anything. I'd rather spend time with my son or do some repairs on my house (well... it's not that I'd rather do that - I just have to) than sit down at the computer and write a blog entry. I want to try and do a little better and at least have 1-2 posts per month, but if the past few months are any indication - it's unlikely.
We spent most of today celebrating my parent's 40th wedding anniversary (which is tomorrow). We had a nice time. 40 years is pretty impressive.
Anyway, what got me to finally start typing tonight as we sit on the couch and watch bad Sunday night television is this. About 2 weeks ago, I was carrying my son into the house and my cell phone fell out of my pocket. It landed on the stone entryway and broke. I broke into 2 pieces. I have the MOTOROKR™ Z6, which can be seen here. It landed right on the corner and the face-plate broke right off. I spent days trying to get it back on with no success. I looked inside and couldn't find a way to re-attach it. Finally, I was going to try krazy-gluing it or soldering it together. However, 2 days ago, I stuck the pieces in the back pocket of my jeans while I was running around with my son. When I took the phone out a few hours later, it was fixed! The two pieces were back together and it wasn't even loose. How this happened I have no idea. It was a miracle. That's the only explanation I can fathom.

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